Sunday, February 22, 2009

Monday, February 2, 2009

Too cute not to share! Puppies! (not OBBs)

Happy New Year!

Mugsy & Lola
at Bryn Marw House

2009 Resolutions:

  1. Stop marking everything (or my fuzzy dice are gone)
  2. Stop licking Azia's bottom like it is a tootsie pop (even if there are some similarities)
  3. Get a walk in everyday (except for the really, really cold days brr...)
  4. Do more back flips this year! (I did at least one in 2008)
  5. Compete in a dog show (get ready IOEBA!)
  6. Learn a new trick (turn around is almost perfect)
  7. Keep up the lovin' (for instant blood pressure reduction in my humans)
  8. Keep my tongue to myself (not everyone wants to make out all the time)
  9. Reduce WWD activites (Wild Wrestling Dogs)
  10. And more blog entries! (we knew you'd like this one) :)
Check back soon as we have more posts in the works.

Mugsy (& Naomi)

ASPCA Anti-Cruelty Resource Center