Monday, April 28, 2008

Hello California!

Just wanted to say hello and let you know more people are visiting Mugsy's Blog in California than in Minnesota this month. Thanks for the love! We love comments, won't you leave us some?

Spring decided it was too cold here and it let winter back in maybe people are too depressed here to go online. Fun for a few romps in the snmud but then it's bath time... Which by the way makes Muggles smell wonderful, and he is so good about it really. It's like one of those febreeze commercials after. I just want to smell him, yum. Ha!

Mugsy is getting *BIG* this month - wow! Wish the scale worked but imagine a big cement block in bed with you and that is about the weight. Full-size little-big dog full of piss and vinegar. His muscle tone is amazing. He is born to run, pull, dance, love, kiss, and most importantly NAP! Or watch out for mr. whiney pants. Oh and he has taken up singing again, so we decided to just join in. A friend of mine has a red-nose pit that can say I LOVE YOU. I think we'll try to redirect this into words instead. It took her years to get it but she can say it!

Anyway we are getting involved with the GLBC - which is not the gay lesbian bisexual club, but the Great Lakes Bulldogge Club! Making some new friends and by the way we are the only OBB in the club so if anybody lives close and has an OBB we'd love to have some company. Fun stuff we will see if we like showing this August at the BRING YOUR BEST TO THE UPPER MIDWEST show in Hopkins, MN. We are getting great advice on the board as far as getting ready. If you are interested in a pup like Mugsy - be sure to check out the board or the show.

We'll that is all for now...

Naomi & Mugsy

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