Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Losing Weight With Your Dog

Update!! I was on a pre-holiday diet that went south quickly with all the holiday goodies and beverages. I had lost five pounds, but back to square one at least we know what works! Even though it is cold out I think I am going to start a walking program with Mugsy, he seems to be getting better use to the leash after our trip out of town this past weekend. In fact Azia has put on at least 5-10 pounds since we stopped running her when it got cold. We'll have to enlist Rory and her into the program as well. Good bye chocolate covered almonds, bad carbs and cheese...
New years resolution idea:
Fitness Unleashed!: A Dog and Owner's Guide to Losing Weight and Gaining Health TogetherA book by veterinarian, Marty Becker, and weight loss expert Dr. Robert Kushner, Fitness Unleashed!: A Dog and Owner’s Guide to Losing Weight and Gaining Health Together (Three Rivers Press), shows how a dog can give an exercise program a shot of confidence and exuberance. Working out together is certainly a lot more fun than working out alone...

As Seen On:

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